A One Day Sale at MACY’S!
And what are the deals?
Well, let’s look at their ad in the local newspaper, shall we?

A Jacket for $59.99. Nice, the weather is getting cooler.
Sneakers for $29.99. Not bad
Blender for $19.99. Perfect for the dorm.
Wait. What’s this? The small print says the blender is $29 after special. But the big bold print says SPECIAL 19.99. What’s going on here? Does the ad mean that the Special 19.99 is taken off the regular price? If Special 19.99 means 19.99 is deducted from the regular price, wouldn't the result be $30.00? Is MACY'S confused or trying to confuse us? Now if a Bella Cucina blender turns out not to be made in Italy, but actually made in China, that would be really confusing.

What’s going on is false advertising. That’s what. Or maybe not. They might just be incompetent.

If you go to MACY'S looking for the Special $199 ring from the ad, how much is the ring?
Is MACY'S incompetent or intentionally using deceptive advertising?
This is clearly one or the other.
This particular MACY'S ad was run in Massachusetts. Should the Massachusetts Attorney General be doing something to protect citizens from either incompetent or intentionally deceptive advertising? Maybe she's too busy with illegal aliens.
Ask Martha Coakley:
Consumer Hotline Hours
Effective July 1, the Attorney General’s Public Inquiry & Assistance Center hotline will observe restricted hours of operation. The hotline (617-727-8400) will be open Monday through Thursday, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. You may file consumer complaints via email any day at any time by completing our Consumer Complaint form.
Monday through Thursday, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Where do we apply for that job?
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