As we go into the booth to cast our precious votes (and I do mean precious; consider the number of Americans who paid with their lives and limbs to ensure the democracy we enjoy; to ensure our right to vote) we should take care to be informed and make our votes count truly for the values we hold dear.
At the very least we should be sure, beyond a reasonable doubt, we are not voting for exactly the opposite of our own values.
Of the recent elections many voters have gone with “the lesser of two evils” usually voting along party lines. Cognitive dissonance is a powerful motivator. If you voted for the town manager who three months later absconded with the widows and orphans fund, there must have been a good reason for the dastardly deed, or perhaps it was for personal reasons and is therefore none of our business.
Cognitive dissonance is extremely difficult to overcome even when consequences are obvious and painful. If you let cognitive dissonance get the better of you this time, the consequences will be more painful than the world has seen in nearly 70 years.
Full disclosure: As soon as I was of age, I registered as an Independent. Always interested and with a patriotic obligation to be informed and involved I registered as a Republican before I voted for Ronald Reagan in 1981. I was too young to vote for or against Jimmy Carter. I do remember gas lines though. I remember Carter’s “Misery Index.” I remember the hostage crisis. Iranian terrorists held 52 hostages at the American Embassy in Iran for 444 days during the Carter administration, releasing them on January 20, 1981; the day Ronald Reagan took the Presidential oath of office. I voted for Ronald Reagan, twice. I voted for George H.W. Bush, twice. I voted against Clinton, twice. I renounced my Republican Party affiliation on February 12, 1999. I now vote as “unenrolled.”
I voted for George W. Bush who, unlike Clinton, has not disgraced himself or the office he has held. Like Clinton, however, he has failed to keep his oath of office. Despite his failings I would vote against Gore and Kerry again and again, unless they were running against a Socialist or otherwise described enemy of the Constitution.
Each president recites the following oath, in accordance with Article II, Section I of the U.S. Constitution:
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
While Clinton ignored numerous attacks by a declared enemy of the United States and left the country vulnerable to the attack on September 11, 2001, there have been no such attacks since during the Bush administration, despite a complete failure to secure our borders.
George W. Bush has failed on a number of important issues including the borders and the economy. I will expound but before I do it is important that with cognitive dissonance very much in play we all understand that given a “do-over” I would in an election between George W. Bush and Al Gore or an election between George W. Bush and John Kerry vote again and again and again for George W. Bush. George W. Bush has not been a disappointment. He was never a strong candidate. He was simply the lesser of two evils, for both elections. He was never a good choice, but we haven’t been attacked as we were after Clinton’s disgraceful disregard for national security. He may not have been a great President, but he was a better choice than Gore or Kerry.
The choices are very different this time.
Before we continue, let us consider the difference between conservative and liberal arguments.
Everyone should have excellent heath-care! Yeah!
Radical Islamic Jihadists want to kill us! Boo!
Everyone should own a beautiful home! Yeah!
Socialism does not work and never has. Boo!
Candidates who talk about how the world should be are going to be more popular than candidates who talk about how the world is. Candidates who talk about the way the world should be are lying about what they will do for the world. They want the power and will tell you what they know is not true to get it.
OK, let us talk about the candidates:
I do not want John McCain to be President. He is a terrible candidate and has been a terrible Senator. He does not represent conservative or the Republican values of the party he leads. This might be a good time to remind you that I am no longer affiliated in any way with Republican Party. I renounced any and all affiliation on February 12, 1999. I do not know if McCain actually claims to be conservative or a Republican, but clearly, his record shows him to be neither.
McCain has to be the next President. Horrific as that prospect might be, if Barack Hussein Obama is sworn in as the next President, the Constitution is doomed.
Let us start with a look at the economy. Consider first capitalism: the foundation of our economy. If you are having trouble listing examples of socialism that worked, that is because there are none. Socialism does not work and it is completely contradictory to the Constitution of the United States or America. Socialism is the enemy of our democracy.
Why has the stock market lost trillions in value in a couple of months? Was it the failed policies of the “Bush McCain” economic policies? Yes. “Bush McCain” failed to stop the Democrats.
During the Carter administration, Congress enacted the Community Reinvestment Act. Mortgages are and have been based on simple math until the CRA.
If you make x dollars and have done so for some time…if you have paid what you owe in the past, for cars, etc., you should be able to pay a mortgage with basic math applied to the x dollars that you make in an equation that includes what you spend on food, etc. Not any more. The CRA pressured lenders to become “predatory.” Lenders such as Ameriquest Mortgage Company (Deval Patrick) gave mortgages to people who could not pay them back. Ameriquest then sold the mortgages to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac which were supported by the guarantees of the Federal Government. This means taxpayer dollars guaranteed the loans made to people who could not pay them back. This is socialism and socialism does not work.
The Clinton administration compounded the Carter legislation with provisions such as the inclusion of Welfare Payments as Income on Mortgage applications.
Seriously. Welfare is income on your Mortgage application. You do not have a job, but you can get a mortgage on a big house. Thank you Senator Chris Dodd.
Thank you Congressman Barney Frank. Thank you Chuck Schumer.
The economy is where it is due to the initiatives of Democrats and the failures of Republicans and G.W. Bush to stop them.
Obama says we are in trouble due to the failed policies of the last eight years and he is correct. President Bush failed to stop the Democrats.
Senator Chris Dodd was responsible for oversight of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. He was also the recipient of the most money in campaign contributions from Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. Barney Frank and others are on the list too, but who is right at the top of the list with Chris Dodd? You guessed it: Barack Hussein Obama.
Cognitive Dissonance. We will forgive you for being wrong.
Don’t be wrong any more.
Where did the Democratic Candidate come from?
The math is simple and it is math. Math is irrefutable. It is like physics. It doesn’t matter if you believe it. It just is.
Lend money to people who cannot pay it back and they will not pay it back.
Loaning money to people who cannot pay it back will buy their votes though.
If you want prosperity in a capitalist society, you lend money to people who can pay it back. If you want votes more than you want prosperity, forget math and sell socialism.
Let’s talk about Acorn. Do you know about Acorn?
Obama has lied repeatedly about working with and for Acorn but he has and did.
Acorn is dedicated to voter fraud. Obama worked for Acorn as a Community Organizer and as a leader. Obama gave 800 thousand dollars to Acorn. Thousands of Disney characters, dead pets, and illegal aliens have been registered as voters due to the efforts of taxpayer funded Acorn.
Do you know who Bill Ayres is?
He bombed the Pentagon, the United States Capitol Building and as of 2001 wanted to bomb more. Obama says he was 8 when Bill Ayers committed despicable acts. (How old was he when Charles Manson was killing people and is Charles Manson on his transition team?) Obama was 40 when Ayers said, after the September 11 attacks, that he wished he had done more damage. Let’s talk for a moment about despicable acts.
Picture a dance at the Officer’s Club. The young officers training at Fort Dix have a dance planned. Young Army officers and their girlfriends out for an evening in the 1960s. Maybe a young Colin Powel and his future bride would be at such at event. Bill Ayers, Obama’s friend, has this dance on his schedule too. Nail bombs. Dead servicemen and civilians at the hands of a domestic enemy.
Look up the Weatherman Underground. Radicals. They are domestic enemies of the Constitution. They bombed the U.S. Capitol building and the Pentagon. They killed Americans including a Boston cop.
Bill Ayers is like Timothy McVeigh but McVeigh was executed. When Gerald Ford offered amnesty for draft dodgers, the Weatherman Underground got in line. Several including Mark Rudd and Bernadine Dohrn still had to serve time for their crimes. Mark Rudd was later pardoned by Bill Clinton on his last day in office. Dohrn is Bill Ayers wife.
Barack Hussein Obama announced his candidacy for President of the United States in the living room of Bill Ayres and Bernadine Dohrn.
Do you know who the Reverend Jeremiah Wright is?
Look up “Black Liberation Theology.”
Obama signed a document affirming his commitment to Black Liberation Theology. Obama contributed tens of thousands of dollars of his own money to the Reverend Wright’s congregation.
"Black theology refuses to accept a God who is not identified totally with the goals of the black community. If God is not for us and against white people, then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him. The task of black theology is to kill Gods who do not belong to the black community ... Black theology will accept only the love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy. What we need is the divine love as expressed in Black Power, which is the power of black people to destroy their oppressors here and now by any means at their disposal. Unless God is participating in this holy activity, we must reject his love."
Reverend Wright married Barack and Michelle Obama and baptized their children. Obama and his family were contributors to and members of Reverend Wright’s anti-Semitic, anti-American and demonstrably racist congregation for more then twenty years.
"Black hatred is the black man's strong aversion to white society. No black man living in white America can escape it... While it is true that blacks do hate whites, black hatred is not racism. "
We might set aside most of the evidence at hand and focus on the most important issue for any President of the United States.
Let us set aside that McCain is a terrible candidate.
Let us set aside that Palin is a weak candidate though better qualified than Obama.
Let us set aside that Democrats are responsible for the economic crisis we are facing today. Even if you want to argue that it was not Democrats, let’s set it aside.
Obama says, “…being my brother’s keeper and being my sister’s keeper is what makes America work!” Obama’s half-brother in Kenya lives in a hut on twelve dollars a month. His Aunt lives in a Boston public housing project. She is in the United States illegally and has been ordered deported after her request for asylum was rejected by a Federal Judge. Living in public housing means taxpayers are paying her rent while she lives in the Boston illegally. Let us set that aside.
Let us set aside the association with Acorn and massive voter fraud. Just set it aside.
The Constitution requires that in order to hold the office of President of the United States one must be “a natural born Citizen” and have attained the age of thirty–five years. Obama has failed to produce a Birth Certificate. It is a Constitutional requirement, but let us set even that aside.
Let us set aside the racism, anti-semitism and the domestic terrorism. Put them all aside.
Here is the oath for the office of the President of the United States of America:
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Here are is Obama on public radio in 2001:
“Fundamentally flawed.”
That is how Obama describes the U.S. Constitution.
The United States of America has never been led by a King or a Queen or a Czar or a Dictator. America has, since the Declaration of Independence, been based on the Constitution.
Socialism is the enemy of the U.S. Constitution.
Redistribution of the wealth is socialism.
“When you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.”
-Barack Hussein Obama.
“Preserve, protect and defend the Constitution…” That is the entire responsibility of the Congressional office of the President of the United States of America.
Obama is a domestic enemy of the Constitution and that disqualifies him for the office.
An on-line version of the Constitution and related documents can be found here:
A vote for Obama is a vote against the Constitution, which is the very foundation of these United States.
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