On the Sunday after September 11th, The "Ideas" section of The Boston Sunday Globe led with these two stories. The first is an essay written by a history professor at the University of Georgia about Hyman Minsky who predicted that capitalism would fail. Two popular views supporting Minsky's predictions are that 1) capitalism is inferior to socialism and 2) capitalists will capitulate to socialism which has failed on every occasion attempted throughout recorded history.
The second article, written by a fellow for Southeast Asia at the Council on Foreign Relations. We might expect an impressive email address for this correspondent @ SACFR.gov or perhaps an @boston.com, but @hotmail will have to do. We might also expect a strong first sentence. "At times this summer, much of the Muslim world seemed at war with itself" will have to do. Other than this summer, when has the Muslim world not been at war with itself and/or everyone else, fellow@hotmail? OK, we have seen your open, let us skip to the end. Do we want to read the middle? Let's see: "In addition, the example of Indonesia suggests that in many cases, America would be wise to intervene less." Whether by the examples of success or by the examples of failure, it doesn't matter does it? America has something to learn from Indonesia. Did you get that America? You have something to learn from Indonesia and don't forget: Capitalism fails.

Why Capitalism Fails

A Muslim Model
Boston Globe Editor: "What should we run for the Sunday "Idea's" section?"
How about? A tribute to the Armed Forces of the United States of America, The 9/11 Memorial at ground Zero, A tribute to America's Firefighters and Police, The families and the orphans of 9/11, The Muslim community and their apology to America, NYFD, NYPD, Rebuilding the Trade Center Buildings, The Survivors of the 9/11 attack...
Boston Globe Editor:" Let's go with "Why capitalism fails and what we can learn from Muslims."
Here is another lesson from Indonesian Muslims: Indonesia's Aceh to allow stoning for adulterers by The Associated Press
Maybe the Boston Globe is saving that one for Valentine's Day.
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