Saturday, August 16, 2008

No English...No Sale

At a Whole Foods market, I ordered a quart of food at the prepared foods counter. The server didn't speeka the English and I got a pint with some gibberish. Yes. Yes. Tank you berry much too!

An illegal alien was working at the Market Basket in Raynham, MA until he was arrested for molesting a four- year-old boy in the restroom. The Raynham Police let him go without inquiring as to his immigration status and he "shocking" missed his court date. He fled back to Guatemala, but as long as leaders like Coupe Deval Patrick are in office, he will be back, somewhere. The Market Basket molester probably cannot afford to live in "sanctuary cities" in complete defiance of Federal law like Cambridge, but there are combat zones like Hartford, CT where defiance of Federal law has taken hold and chaos is winning. Coupe Deval is working hard to eliminate police details while he pisses on the on-the-books laws regarding illegal immigration.

Law enforcement-bad. Uncontrolled immigration-good. Drapes-check. Cadillac-check.

Coupe is taking a stand against the cops in his state. About time. Of course he is also taking a stand to make sure federal and state laws regarding illegal immigration are flaunted. The lives and wishes of the constituents are


to the affirmative action Coupe Deval. The voters of the Kennedy state want Communism. Add disease and child molesters and Senators who would leave a girl to drown while they sober up.

As long as Whole Foods and Market Basket and the rest of those who would hire potential tuberculosis carriers who do not speak English to provide incompetent service and an occasional molesting for their customers, we can and should expect the quality of life in the USA to decline and democrats enthusiastically lead the effort. Republicans aren't doing anything to stop them either. The Republican nominee isn't even a Republican.

Allegedly-please add allegedly to every verb above. Add scumbag as appropriate. And while Coupe Deval is a complete *** it is not his fault that he is an *** but it is YOUR fault that the is in elected office. Interfering with the enforcement of federal law is a serious offense. Why hasn't he been prosecuted?

Saturday, August 9, 2008

The thumb on the butcher's scale

Check your recipes: How many of them call for a pound and a quarter of ground beef?

Pictured above is a representative package of ground sirloin priced at $4.79 per pound. At Royal Ahold's (no kidding) Stop & Shop in Hudson, MA., there are no packages of ground beef, sirloin ir otherwise, that weight in at one pound. If you want a pound of $4.79/lb ground sirloin it is going to cost you $5.99.

There are a couple of guys in white coats, slightly stained with the marks of butchering, but they are hardly butchers. There is a sign, prominently displayed. If you see the guys packaging meat, then you see the sign: Now hiring $8/hour.

At $8/hour, these guys cannot afford much of the hamburger they package can they?

Stop & Shop aren't the only Royal Aholds that are forcing customers to buy more than they want.

Go to family owned Kennedy's Market in neighboring Marlborough and order a pound of ground beef. See if you get a pound. Order a pound of anything and see if you get a pound.

Shouldn't the markets we buy our food from be working on ways to serve customers better than the competition? Why are they working instead, to force their customers into buying more product than they want?


Friday, August 1, 2008

Who is racist?

Barack signed on and donated money to, sounds like the Onion but it is not, this doctrine:

"Black theology refuses to accept a God who is not identified totally with the goals of the black community. If God is not for us and against white people, then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him. The task of black theology is to kill Gods who do not belong to the black community ... Black theology will accept only the love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy. What we need is the divine love as expressed in Black Power, which is the power of black people to destroy their oppressors here and now by any means at their disposal. Unless God is participating in this holy activity, we must reject his love."