Monday, December 13, 2010


Here are is Obama on public radio in 2001:

“Fundamentally flawed.” 

That is how Obama describes the U.S. Constitution.
The United States of America has never been led by a King or a Queen or a Czar or a Dictator. America has, since the Declaration of Independence, been based on the Constitution.

Socialism is the enemy of the U.S. Constitution.
Redistribution of the wealth is socialism.

“When you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.”
-Barack Hussein Obama.

“Preserve, protect and defend the Constitution…” That is the entire responsibility of the Congressional office of the President of the United States of America.

Obama is a domestic enemy of the Constitution and that disqualifies him for the office.
An on-line version of the Constitution and related documents can be found here:

A vote for Obama is a vote against the Constitution, which is the very foundation of these United States.

originally posted October 30, 2008

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010

Do you know what is going on?

Google or YouTube Shirley Sherrod.

Google or YouTube Samir Shabazz.

Google or YouTube J. Christian Adams.

If you do not know who these people are already...why not?  Where do you get your news?

Monday, June 21, 2010

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Manchurian President

Facts are stubborn things.  How many of the stated facts in the following clip need to be verified before we remove whomever he is from the White House? 

The Constitution means nothing to Governor Erkel.

Deval Patrick has or has not kept his oath of office?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

It runs in the family

Barack Hussein Obama Sr.

Fathered how many children?

With how many women?


Saturday, February 27, 2010

How is that hope and change working out for you?

Arrogance and ignorance is one thing.

Arrogance and stupitity is something else entirely.

Arrogance, ignorance, stupidity and power is dangerous. Very dangerous.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Friday, February 5, 2010

Dear Poland Springs

We can well imagine the meeting; it must have been like a Dilbert cartoon 5 frames:
“How do we increase our revenues? Ideas?”

“I know! I know! I went to a seminar. Let’s store as much of our inventory as possible at our customers facilities.”

“That won’t work. Buyers want just-in-time inventory.”

“Corporate Buyers want just-in-time inventory. Consumers don’t have time for all that. Just load ‘em up with our inventory. Just how much does it cost us per square foot to store this water? They store our inventory. We save a fortune! They won’t notice!”

“That’s right! These are people who buy water! Let’s start delivering anything they have ever ordered whether they order it or not! They won’t know the difference! Tell them it is improved service! ”

We complained when you started delivering extra. You said it wouldn’t happen again. We complained again when it happened again. You said it wouldn’t happen again. It happened again.

Then, frosting on the cake, you sent us a letter: “This change is being made specifically to improve our operational efficiency.” Too funny. We are going to store more of our inventory at your place…”to improve our operational efficiency.”

Our next scheduled delivery is for date. Your cooler will be in the driveway. Please take it away. We will not be buying Poland Spring, storing Poland Spring or drinking Poland Spring anytime soon.

Maybe you do not want residential customers anymore and left it to an inept but truly effective marketing department to rid the company of residential customers.If so, well done.

If not...

P.T. Barnum may have been correct, but we hope you fail and are replaced by a company striving to serve customers rather than make their customers garages and basements into free warehousing. Your greed has cost you (at least) this customer. The product is water you know.

Very Sincerely and Former Customers,

Monday, January 25, 2010

Bagdad Bob Gibbs

"That may have been what [Scott Brown] campaigned on, but that is not why [the voters] sent him to Washington..."

Scott Brown campaigned on an anti-Obama agenda, but the voters voted for him because they are for the Obama agenda.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Honk Honk

People were honking and waving at us today.